Network flight regulations
In order to operate correctly, and maintain the greatest possible realism, it is required:
- Connect to the IVAO network with the SKB callsign: For all flights use any number of the pilot's choice.
- Use the corporate MTL's whenever they are available for the aircraft.
- Include in the flight plan, within the “18 other information” section, the text “CS/SkyBlue” to indicate to the controllers our call sign.
- Fly on the IVAO network at real simulation speed (1x) and with real weather.
- Connect to the FSA operations system on all flights.
- To the extent possible, and to foster personal relationships between colleagues, it is recommended to use the company's Discord during flights with the airline.
Rules and Regulations
SkyBlue Virtual Airline will not use or collect data from its pilots (such as banking, legal or business data) beyond that required by IVAO and required for the purposes of participation in the airline. The information collected will not be intentionally shared with third parties, nor will it be used for purposes other than that of the flight. SkyBlue is not responsible for the use of this data by third parties, or for the effects caused by direct or indirect cybercrimes.​SkyBlue Virtual Airline does not store Cookies on your computer, but Partners such as IVAO may store Cookies. We recommend that you read their “Data Processing Policies”in the following official IVAO links:
2. Link:
3. Link:​
Skyblue Virtual Airline never shares information with third parties. Your information will never be sold to third parties; We will not reveal any personal information without your consent. Except the law requires us to do so. Personal data means Age, date of birth, Gender, Email address, Telephone number. As Skyblue Virtual Airline is a non-profit organization, we will never ask for credit cards, account numbers or any type of payment. The airline callsign, name, nationality and IVAO ID will be visible in our pilot list as requirements. We strongly recommend saving your passwords and users. Never share with friends or family. Skyblue Virtual Airline reserves the right of admission and may reject any request, deny service or expel a member of the group if it violates our principles, our regulations, the IVAO regulations, or the law if it so considers.
Flight operations
Before starting the client:
Activate the option to ignore collisions and damage in the simulator's realism settings.
Start in a parking lot with engines off and parking brakes on.
Refuel with sufficient fuel before starting engines.
Check and adjust passenger and cargo weight.
After starting the client:
Do not exceed 25 KIAS while taxiing.
Do not exceed 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL.
Turn on landing lights below 10,000 feet AGL.
Do not increase the simulation speed.
Do not pause the simulator.
Do not land at another airport other than the planned one except in case of emergency.
Do not park in a parking lot designated for the simulator's automatic fuel refueling.
End the client back in the parking lot with the engines off and the parking brakes on.
Never close the simulator before the client. If you have to abandon the flight, terminate the client first.